
The PGY1 Pharmacy Program includes:

  • Longitudinal/Concentrated Learning Experiences: Professional Practice Advancement, Medication Safety, Quality Improvement/Research, Medication Use Evaluation Project and Service
  • Core Learning Experiences: Cardiology, Critical Care, Clinical Decentralized Pharmacy Services, Formulary Management, Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine and Leadership-Management
  • Elective Learning Experiences: Advanced Critical Care, Advanced Infectious Diseases, Advanced Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine
  • Additionally, the resident will participate in cardiopulmonary resuscitations, deliver an ACPE accredited one-hour continuing education presentation, write a manuscript about the quality improvement research for potential publication and have the opportunity to obtain a teaching certificate. Other learning experiences can be arranged based on the resident’s interest.


Residents will be scheduled at least an initial four-week orientation/training period, and then will be required to staff a minimum of 320 hours over the course of the residency program (i.e., every other weekend distributed throughout the program unless occasionally scheduled less frequently).

Requirements for Certificate of Completion of Residency

To receive final certification of successful residency completion, the resident must:

  1. Successfully obtain Florida Pharmacist licensure within 90 days of start date and maintain throughout residency.
  2. Complete all scheduled medication use evaluation (MUE) and formulary assignments with presentations at Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee or any other appropriate committees.
  3. Satisfactorily complete a research project, including presentation at the regional Florida Residency Conference, or equivalent regional or higher conference, and submission of final written manuscript suitable for publication.
  4. Complete a minimum of two formal Journal Clubs and two Patient Cases presentations.
  5. Select a topic suitable for a continuing education presentation, develop the presentation, and present it in collaboration with the Suncoast Regional Society of Health-System Pharmacists.
  6. Complete evaluations using PharmAcademic, including self-evaluations, evaluation of the learning experience and preceptor evaluations.
  7. Complete at least 80% of ASHP objectives at an Achieved (ACHR) level, including the specified objectives R.1.1.4, R2.1.1, R3.2.2, and R4.1.3, and no objectives are evaluated to be at a Needs Improvement (NI) level during Quarter 4 of the residency.  
  8. Satisfactorily complete all longitudinal assignments (e.g., Drug Information, Quality Improvement Project, Special Projects if applicable, etc.)
  9. Maintain an up-to-date resident electronic dossier accessible by the RPD containing information related to drug information responses, MUE, Formulary Reviews, and Quality Improvement Project. Evaluations do not need to be included in the notebook since these are maintained on PharmAcademic.
  10. Complete all staffing/service requirements.

Preceptors for the Pharmacy GME program

Pharmacy Program Preceptor Roster and Learning Experiences

Learning Experience


Medication Safety Neetha Chacko, RPh
Pharmacy Services Neetha Chacko, RPh; Lisa Cunningham, RPh, BCPS; Trang Hoang, PharmD, BCSCP
Clinical Decentralized Pharmacy Services Stephanie Brown, PharmD, BCPS
Internal Medicine Ahmed Eid, PharmD, BCPS
Cardiology Jessica Lockshaw, PharmD, BCPS
Infectious Diseases Leanne Stefanski, PharmD, BCPS
Critical Care Gloria Weinberg, PharmD, BCPS
Concentrated Formulary Management Carla Evans, PharmD, BCSCP
Emergency Medicine Demetrios Chagoya, PharmD, BCPS; Dennis Kutsar, PharmD, BCPS
Management-Pharmacy Leadership James Wengerd, PharmD, CPEL; Carla Evans, PharmD, BCSCP
Longitudinal Formulary Review Stephanie Brown, PharmD, BCPS
Professional Practice Advancement Stephanie Brown, PharmD, BCPS
Service Staffing Stephanie Brown, PharmD, BCPS
Advanced Decentralized Clinical Pharmacy Services Stephanie Brown, PharmD, BCPS
Advanced Internal Medicine Ahmed Eid, PharmD, BCPS
Advanced Critical Care Gloria Weinberg, PharmD, BCPS
Advanced Emergency Medicine Demetrios Chagoya, PharmD, BCPS; Dennis Kutsar, PharmD, BCPS